Archive / February, 2010

Divorce is a Dirty Word

Oh, my, while my grandmother is away, we are getting such unbelievable gramma guest blogs. This one heralds all the way from Rome, Italy where one of my very very best friends in the whole world, Elizabeth Farren, writes fiction and lives with her fabulous husband, Nico. I have actually met Lizzy’s grandma, and she […]

Miracle on Saint Mark’s Place

What Was Grandma Maggie Doing On February 2, 1937 on Saint Mark’s Place in Manhattan????? She was having her baby!!!  Happy happy day!!! Grandma finally had her baby.  On this day, February 2 in 1937, Timothy Duffield was born. Did you know, then, Grandma who you had in your arms?  My uncle Tee! Curly-haired brown-eyed […]