
An Incredible, Unforgettable Salon-Style Writing Retreat

The most exciting thing happened to me last weekend. Dede Cummings, literary agent, founder of Green Writers’ Press and historically one of the best book designers in publishing happens to have an enchanting, fairy-like house on the sea.

It's the perfect place for a one-of-a-kind writing retreat. A splendid, magical, sprawling house on the Rhode Island coast. Two years ago, she said to me: Let’s have a writing retreat at my house in Rhode Island! And a match was made in absolute heaven.

Here’s part of the magical recipe: I help people get their incredible books to the point of publication. Dede rings up a couple of her closest friends in publishing and makes book deals. Together? We set the writing world on fire.

And we ran off this weekend for four days of wild writing with nine beautiful women who hurried to sign up so fast we were full almost as soon as we posted!! Think On Golden Pond with writing in the mix, organic food and candlelit readings around the fire, a group of nine new soul sisters, clear access to the creative spark, book dreams coming true and hours to write plus some tears and laughter.

This year we had on staff the incredibly powerful Margie Pivar—founder of the Shiatsu school in southern Vermont and author of Fourth Uncle in the Mountain. Margie massages each writer so the body could begin to associate writing with bliss. We cooked for them, heard their dreams; we slept writing and woke up writing and we left each other filled and replenished, energized and excited and downright drunk with the written word.

I wish all the writers I know could have just squeezed into the attic suite with me and stayed up until the wee hours talking about the wild act of putting words on a blank page. But there will be another retreat with Dede in February at her splendid house in Vermont (see next post), let me know if you are interested!!! Come visit the Retreat Page and contact me if you want to write with us! Now, I am going to hop the highway to the lights of my life at the Tuesday salon, so we can set some words on fire. Love love love love love.

If you don't know about the magic that happens in the salon-style retreat, visit our retreat page!!!