Sauna, Roaring Fire, Wine, Chocolate, and Writing, Writing, Writing…

Don’t despair!!!! If you missed the Second Annual Wild Words Pond House Retreat this October with literary agent extraordinaire Dede Cummings and me, we are setting up a literary feast for you in Vermont. A winter wonderland of writing writing writing. The very last weekend in February a small group of writers will gather at Dede’s light-filled house in West Brattleboro, Vermont. This is a weekend of exploding creativity, exploration of craft, moving toward your epiphany, starting the book, working on the book, finishing the book. This is a weekend where you will be nurtured, supported and given the tools and the Yes! you need to burst into the limelight with your writing. Think: sauna bliss, massage from acclaimed Shiatsu magician Margie Pivar, home cooked organic Vermont food, candlelit readings, cozying up and gathering around a roaring fireplace to share your words. Dede is an incredible hostess, who just gets on the phone and calls big places like HBO and Random House and gets people book deals and when we have writers’ retreats?

Magic happens. This is about connection and productivity and making our writing dreams come alive. You will hear about the incredible power of your work, you will learn to lean into your strengths; you will take with you the energy of sweet writing soul sisters (and maybe some brothers!) who will cheerlead you on your writing journey. Come along with us. You deserve this weekend of pampering your muse and you never (never!) know what can happen when you surrender and romp into those writerly wildernesses that the creative gods put in your path. Let me know if you need details on dates and costs for day or stay student rates and where will you sleep and what will you eat and how in the world do you sign up. I can’t wait to see you there!!!!!!

If you don't know about the magic that happens in the salon-style retreat, visit our retreat page!!!